The Happy Scrappy Beach Girl

Thought it was high time I update this part. What is this bog all about? Not much- just this & that & if I ever get back to my own scrapping- that will & can be included. So grab a martini- pitcher of margaritas or some wine and come on over!

Monday, October 09, 2006

things you may not have known about me..

Things you may not have known about me or maybe you do & don't care.. LOL

A) Four jobs I have had in my life
1. Front Desk/Reservation Clerk
2. Bartender/waitress
3. Apartment/Property Manager
4. Stock girl at Nordstrom's

B) Four movies I would watch over and over:
1. Parenthood
2. My Blue Heaven
3. When Harry Met Sally
4. Die Hard movies- all of them

C) Four places I have lived:
1: Seattle Washington
2: Oregon
3: Sacramento California (2 month stint)
4: Arizona

D) Four TV shows I love to watch:
1: Desperate Housewives
2: Greys Anatomy
3: 24
4: Nip & Tuck & Weeds is a tie

E) Four places I have been on vacation
1: Hawaii
2: Puerto Vallarta
3: Disneyland
4: Palm Springs Ca.

F) Websites I visit daily:
1: Scrapbooking.About.Com
2: CTMH website
3: Bank Of America
4: MSN/Yahoo

G) Four of my favorite foods:
1: Mexican
2: Italian
3: A good BBQ tri tip steak
4: Thai Food.. yummy

H) Four places I would like to be right now
1: Puerto Vallarta
2: Arizona
3: Disney World
4: Disney Land

I) Four friends I am tagging:
1: I have no idea
2: still no idea
3: no idea
4. what aren't you getting?? NO idea!


Blogger CandyScraps said...

Hey girlie! I found you! :) Great looking blog!

7:40 AM  

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