The Happy Scrappy Beach Girl

Thought it was high time I update this part. What is this bog all about? Not much- just this & that & if I ever get back to my own scrapping- that will & can be included. So grab a martini- pitcher of margaritas or some wine and come on over!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

I'm here....

and I know I that again-- I am waaay behind on the blogging... so sorry. The store has me busy. Slowed down a bit but it will pick up in the next few weeks. I have a crop Saturday night & those nights are usually good to me when I have the min. of 3 girls. Which right now I do. I have an ALL DAY crop scheduled for Sat. Oct 6th. I am hoping to have some things moved around here at bit. Ihave a gal TerrY with a "Y" :o) working on Saturday's and a few hours during the week. I'm going to ask if she wants some product trade off..which I think she'll go for right now since I have a list of items she is wanting...LOL. So the store is going well I must say.

Cameron started back to school Tuesday. He had really fun time.. and ont he 2nd day as well. Today?? well- Cam & I are fighting Mother Nature- so the sinus infections are TRYING to head us off. But I think we can beat it. Cameron is the first kid to go hoem of the year!! I guess better now than in a few weeks. He can't be missing tooo much! Yesterday in PE he said a girl called his name out- "Cameron D" which he hasn't been called that since 2nd grade - and he looked at her & she looked familiar to him.. but couldn't figure out where. He asked her where do I know you from?- she said from school- he said I've only been to 2 schools- Gearhart & Kachina- She said I know-- Kachina-- I know you from Kachina in Arizona! Small world I tell ya! So he has found that to be just bizzaro..LOL They have a class together. Now I have told him.. you are on a mission to find out more..LOL But Cam find out more?? yeah right! Just is kind of weird.. being we are pretty small. Anyhoo- soccer has started & the first game is Saturday.

The photo above is from camp Kiwanilong with his best friend Dalton. Cam had a great summer & I think now it's all catching up.. anotehr reason why I think he isn't feeling well.. a combination of Mother nature & just tired. Anyhoo- camp was great & yes the bangs have been cut you can see his eyes now. I liek his hair long.. now if he'd comb it once in awhile! All is well in the land of own. I'll be doing a Store Blog soon.. and that I really will have to keep up on. HA! Hugs & all


Blogger Liz said...

so good to see you!! funny you posted I was going to post over at about. Glad the store is doing well. Hope you win your battle with mother nature. still working on Neil to go down's looking good.

7:48 AM  

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