The Happy Scrappy Beach Girl

Thought it was high time I update this part. What is this bog all about? Not much- just this & that & if I ever get back to my own scrapping- that will & can be included. So grab a martini- pitcher of margaritas or some wine and come on over!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Cameron is getting it

Isaac came over after school yesterday. As some know he is my problem child who I think I just want to shake & knock some sense into him at times. Dan & I go back & forth about the friendship between Isaac & Cameron & realize Cameron has to make his own choices. I must say that Isaac is beginning to realize that Cameron doesn't need the friendship & he does have other friends. Cam realizes that his friends don't all care for Isaac..but do put up with Isaac because the friendship they have with Cameron. Yesterday Cameron says to me after Isaac leaves & after a discussion about what they will do when they graduate high school (mind you they are in 6th grade) he says..Mom, you wonder if Isaac & I will friends in high school? I said I don't know sweetie- depends upon how you grow. Some people just grow apart. He says- well I don't think Isaac I will be friends forever- I think he is going to be in more trouble than I care to want. I think he will do things I don't think is right..he already says lies & tells people stuff that I just roll my eyes at. I gave Cameron a hug & told him.. thing is.. he needs a friend like you more than you need him. Cameron says.. when he comes to our house I think he has finally realized that you & dad have rules. At home he just tells his mom oh well & does what he wants. I tell Isaac he should just do it & why argue.. so why does he do that & why does his mom let him?? I told him- I don't know- I'm not his mom- & his mom & I are 2 very different people. Isaac is finally learning that your dad & I will not put up with some things- maybe his mom picks her battles just as we do with you. Maybe some battles she just doesn't think it's worth a fight? I don't know. Isaac likes to see peoples reaction to things.. and guess your dad & I have stopped reacting to things he says. Like you- we just roll our eyes & say okay Isaac. I guess maybe Isaac may need our rules more than he thinks.. and I think he likes the boundaries we have in our house. Cameron says-- yea- guess maybe I'll just see how the friendship goes. Love you mom. Love you too Cam. so guess he is getting it. Life lessons are in progress.


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