The Happy Scrappy Beach Girl

Thought it was high time I update this part. What is this bog all about? Not much- just this & that & if I ever get back to my own scrapping- that will & can be included. So grab a martini- pitcher of margaritas or some wine and come on over!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Never going to catch up

on the Christmas thing so am I giving up? I did take baking off.. and the Christmas cards aren't look good either. I'm not giving up.. I'm just giving in. I looove the holiday time. But the storm took the cheer out & gave us the bahhumbug's. admit I am already tired of the TV commercials. Enough now. We have heard them since October? I have to get things done & I will. So this picture?? This is Dan in the famous family gift giving over & over underwear. These have been a "gag gift" in his family for a long time. They are funny-- and you know they are OUT there waiting to be opened & still when you get them you laugh your butt off & say that you can't believe you fell for it & didn't know..then it's your turn to surprise that "special" someone next year.. well year after. We are having Christmas dinner at our this year for Dan's side. Which is fine. I have ordered the meat.. just have a Turkey to get & this n that. Need a trip to the liquor store for sure & the Wine House.. oh yeah!! Still not even sure what we are getting Cam.. he has asked for a lot of small things. He likes opening more..LOL All in all I'l be fine.. I guess I have to whine a little.. so like me lately whine whine- just give me some cheese & a glass & we'll be good. But we have lights on the house.. tree is up.. has been before the storm. stockings are hung & now the wrapping will begin tonight to get stuff shipped up to family in Seattle. :sigh: so off I go.. "we wish you a merry christmas...." and I do fell better.. more christmas cheer for all to hear!!


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