The Happy Scrappy Beach Girl

Thought it was high time I update this part. What is this bog all about? Not much- just this & that & if I ever get back to my own scrapping- that will & can be included. So grab a martini- pitcher of margaritas or some wine and come on over!

Friday, November 30, 2007

When did I become so stupid?

As a parent?? when did this happen?? After all- Dan & I know NOTHING. My son of 11 years old 8 months & 23 days knows more than we do. Just amazes us.. what did we ever do before he realized he knew more? and then when he says sorry. All this time I thought it was sorrY. not sssaaaoooorrreeeeA! I really need to go back to school guess. Did I always know more than my mom or dad? Thinking I probably THOUGHT I did. My neighbor tells me this.. between 12 & 24.. as a parent you know nothing- you are THE idiot and it's quite clear we don't know what it's like to 11 years old-8 months & 23 days old.. or for that matter to be 16 - 18 - any of those ages. Doesn't matter that you were once their age.. you don't get it.. never will. BUT there is hope he says-- what is that? He says- between 25 & 30 they are remorseful.. and realize you did know what you were talking about-- of course they now have kids of their own & so they know nothing & they are an idiot! So we have hope!! woo-woooo!! My SIL tells me that you have to remember what they were like at 3-5..because at 12-16 they revert back to that. That said it has Dan & I thinking.. kewl.. it was easier back then.. and we did know a thing or 2!! Hope is a float!!


Blogger Brenda is SO Blessed said...

well, hate to say it--but it is true. no matter how much you love your kid-- they turn into aliens when they hit 12. our DD is 21 1/2 and she is JUST now beginning to see we are not the idiots she thought we were for the last 10 yrs.I can see some hope that she will return to being human someday!
seriously--- this too will pass eventually (Gosh I hope it goes soon) My thoughts and prayers are with you guys

6:56 AM  
Blogger Liane said...

That was a rethorical question... right? ROFLOL

5:07 PM  
Blogger Jen Hoover said...

uh... at least yours has waited off on letting you know this info. Mine is only 5 years, 8 months and 14 days -I think, but let me go check with him ;)


7:52 PM  

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