The Five Game
I got this from Liane's Blog.
OK, if you read my blog I want you to post either on YOUR blog, or send me an email with your fives!
FIVE things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. Living in Portland
2. Raising a 1 year old- plus a 31 year old.. :o)
3. Working part-time for a property management company
4. Heading for vacation to Mexico with my dad & friends
5. Scrapbooking
FIVE things on my to do list today:
1. Clean the back crop area from this past weekend
2. Do some invoicing for Beach House Services
3. Doing laundry when I get home- (Oh joy- joy)
4. Get ready for some kids classes for tomorrow (Friday)
5. Watch LOST
FIVE things I will never wear again:
1. Heels over 2 inches
2. A business suit
3. My skinny jeans
4. Leather pants
5. 70's polyester- have to agree with Liane on this
FIVE of my favorite toys:
1. My camera
2. My Princess Fiona Meg Pie (megan the dog)- Cra-Ce is mean when she plays now.. little brat
3. Computer
4. My Scrapbook stuff
5. My family and friends
FIVE banes of my existance:
1. Commercials on TV
2. Rude people
3. The over useage of the word "oh brother" in my house
4. My MIL
5. Paying Bills
Rude people suck! LOL
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