The Happy Scrappy Beach Girl

Thought it was high time I update this part. What is this bog all about? Not much- just this & that & if I ever get back to my own scrapping- that will & can be included. So grab a martini- pitcher of margaritas or some wine and come on over!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

The Five Game

I got this from Liane's Blog.
OK, if you read my blog I want you to post either on YOUR blog, or send me an email with your fives!

FIVE things I was doing 10 years ago:

1. Living in Portland

2. Raising a 1 year old- plus a 31 year old.. :o)

3. Working part-time for a property management company

4. Heading for vacation to Mexico with my dad & friends

5. Scrapbooking

FIVE things on my to do list today:

1. Clean the back crop area from this past weekend

2. Do some invoicing for Beach House Services

3. Doing laundry when I get home- (Oh joy- joy)

4. Get ready for some kids classes for tomorrow (Friday)

5. Watch LOST

FIVE things I will never wear again:

1. Heels over 2 inches

2. A business suit

3. My skinny jeans

4. Leather pants

5. 70's polyester- have to agree with Liane on this

FIVE of my favorite toys:

1. My camera

2. My Princess Fiona Meg Pie (megan the dog)- Cra-Ce is mean when she plays now.. little brat

3. Computer

4. My Scrapbook stuff

5. My family and friends

FIVE banes of my existance:

1. Commercials on TV

2. Rude people

3. The over useage of the word "oh brother" in my house

4. My MIL

5. Paying Bills


Blogger Liane said...

Rude people suck! LOL

4:59 PM  

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