The Happy Scrappy Beach Girl

Thought it was high time I update this part. What is this bog all about? Not much- just this & that & if I ever get back to my own scrapping- that will & can be included. So grab a martini- pitcher of margaritas or some wine and come on over!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Thought I should...

Post a LO since I did something about being scrappy! This is I did in July while at a retreat in Tucson Arizona- Camp Scrap A lot! The LO is of Cameron (right) & who use to be his best friend- Isaac. As Cameron says- we may not be the best of friends- but the memories are good. I will post some recent LO when I get batteries for my digi! Besides this weekend I went into a FunK.. lost my mojo. I can't find it yet. I better. I have a swap to do & with no mojo what will I do?
Dan's Birthday is Thursday- he'll be the same as me!! and who doesn't know how old I am? not telling.. okay 41. Anyhoo- Wednesday his mom & her childhood friend- also known around here as "Aunt Sharon"- are coming over for dinner. My own mothers birthday is Wednesday-Happy Birthday Mom! I expect a quiet wee.. but then again I never know for sure. Catch ya'll later. Boys want dinner


Blogger TammyB said...

Great job on the LOs, Denise =) The colors are perfect for beach pix.

11:47 AM  
Blogger Denise said...

Thank you Tammy!!!

11:49 AM  
Blogger Francine said...

Nice page, perfect beach colours!

2:13 AM  

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