Thought it was high time I update this part. What is this bog all about? Not much- just this & that & if I ever get back to my own scrapping- that will & can be included. So grab a martini- pitcher of margaritas or some wine and come on over!
Winter not so Wonderland
Not even winter yet though. Anyhoo-Oregon & Washington are having what the news calls an "Arctic Blast"- sounds like something Dairy Queen would have on the menu. So in the Portland & surrounding areas- the kids look like they get a 3 week winter break. Kids here had Monday off & 2 hours late yesterday. Cam came home saying- teachers are thinking no school tomorrow! And this is because the news reported another storm was coming in. However- to Cams disappointment- school was on time & in full swing! So being we live at the beach & at sea level- we get robbed of the snow sledding days. So make myself feel better about no sledding snow thought I'd post these funny Calvin & Hobbs.. I so do miss him in the daily funnies.
LMBO!! I miss calvin too!
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