The Happy Scrappy Beach Girl

Thought it was high time I update this part. What is this bog all about? Not much- just this & that & if I ever get back to my own scrapping- that will & can be included. So grab a martini- pitcher of margaritas or some wine and come on over!

Thursday, November 01, 2007


Last night went ... well okay. Cam went as Indiana Jones. AT the last minute his friend Isaac decided to go with us. He was this inflatable bull.. pretty funny actually. So the boys head out to our neighborhood. we let them go just the 2 of them. Cam called me when he was done with our neighborhood- which is maybe 25-30 homes- and not all full-time homes. Anyhoo- after that we went to the Outlet Mall- which was very quiet. It was a nice night- chilly- but not windy. Isaac's mom- Amy met us at the mall. The conversation goes as this:

Issac: "I want to go to the rich peoples house"

Cam: "What makes them rich- because they live on a hill? and what makes you think the candy is any better than what we have"?

Isaac: "MY mom says the candy is better"

Amy: "Well when I was your age it was what they gave out FULL size candy bars"

Cam: "like the ones my mom gave us"?

Isaac: " yes- but they do it all the houses"

Cam: "I seriously doubt it- but fine- I'll go. and by the way-I'm just getting the same stuff now & I can only eat so much candy until it gets thrown out at Christmas & I get more"

Isaac: "Don't be a party pooper Cameron"

Cam: "I'm not- just saying AND I said I'd go- I'm going"

Me: "Sure you want to go"?

Cam: "Yes"

And off they went. Then they get home & apparently Some kid hit Isaac while trick or treating. And now they want him to talk with the Vice Principal. So what happened? Some kid asked Isaac if he could see out of his costume- Isaac says yes- then the kid hits him- Isaac swings his bag of candy around & hits the kid. 3 more kids start coming over- by now Cam is around the corner & yelling for Amy. Cam said he recognizes the kids from school -but doesn't know who the names. He does see is soccer team mate Luis- which Cam says he has no idea if Luis was with these kids. Amy wants Cam to talk with the counselor & VP- I said I don't want Cam in the middle. I think the kid probably was goofing off & didn't realize that when he hit the snout of the costume- he'd actually hit Isaac- Isaac reacted- and so now it was going to be free for all. I told Amy- what do you expect the school to do? It wasn't on school grounds during school. Cam said he thinks I am right- the kid didn't realize.. it was an accident. Cam also said- Mom- Isaac didn't open his mouth this time- I didn't hear him say anything to the kid bad- & why would someone just hit someone for no reason? If Isaac had opened his mouth like usual- then okay- but he didn't. I told him- that is why I think the kid didn't mean it. Isaac reacted as he knows how. I asked Cam how he would have reacted- he replied- I don't know?. :o)Other than that Cam said he had a fun time.. and no big candy bars- AT ALL.....LOL I said well what did you say to Isaac.. Cam said I told him.. "nice.. some real nice BIG candy bars here--" with the look he gives Isaac when he thinks he is nuts! Which is the same look of eye-rollage I give..LOL


Blogger {S} said...

WOW. Maybe Issac learned something huh? Cam has got good common sense. That's so rare these days. {hi 5}

12:37 AM  
Blogger Denise said...

Thanks.. I think Cam is realizing that somethings are just plain stupid. He admits to doing some of them.. but when he sees another doing it...LOL

3:42 PM  
Blogger Laurie said...

sounds like Cam has a pretty good head on his shoulders =o)

5:41 AM  

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