My Princess Fiona Meg Pie- AKA Megan
Thought it was high time I update this part. What is this bog all about? Not much- just this & that & if I ever get back to my own scrapping- that will & can be included. So grab a martini- pitcher of margaritas or some wine and come on over!
That about sums it up.. a big sigh. I just want to go a crawl under one big rock & forget about today. Monday's are just sucky & I am not sure what to do about it. I get a call this AM about this collection company who wants to garnish my wages from a dr bill back in 1991! I got a judgement I guess.. and now she wants it all. I had no idea & it doesn't even show up on my credit report. I still have to tell Dan. But thought writing it out might back it better.. it doesn't. Apparently you can RE-new a judgement?? I never knew. I have tried to make an arrangement & it' s all or nothing. I said well if you garnish my wages you aren't getting it all.. so why not take a payment? Anyhoo- I need to deal with it- but I am so in shock & upset I can't think straight about it at this second. Hoping this writing it will have me think clearer & come up with something. I'm trying to understand it all & think how I coudl have made a stupid mistake.. but I was 25 and stuuupid. On another note I am hosting an ALL Day crop & I have 4 women including me confirmed. Drives me insane that the women here wait until the last second. It wouldn't be so bad had I not included a meal. But since I have.. what do I do? Go buy $100 worth of food & have 3 or 4 of us?? noooo... ::sigh:: why do I do this to myself? Life would be much easier if I didn't do this to myself.. but I do & no one is here to kick me in the ass & say hello- no. I'm fine.. I'll be fine. I just need a drink.. or 2. ::sigh:: okay I have pissed and moaned enough now. Back to our regularly scheduled program. ::sigh:: Okay ETA: I am so much better now. Dan isn't as mad as I thought- he said you didn't know. Anyhoo- the mean lady got nice & she & I talked nicely to eachother & so we have an agreement. Now onthe crop thing- I'm still annoyed. But I figure what is the point of being annoyed all day?? I just have one huge headache & that is not just from today but fighting a sinus infection.. I hate those. Yes- what a bleepin nice Monday!